
Nikon D800 Left Focus Woes

Several of my friends know that I recently finally jumped and bought a Nikon D800, in spite of my concerns about getting a camera body with the dreaded "D800 Left Focus" issue. Well it turns out that my beloved camera does indeed have the left focus issue. Of course I'm heartbroken and little p'd off. But,...

Zebra Shot Gets More Exposure

When I took the zebra shot in Africa, I had no idea that it would get so much exposure. Turns out that it was selected as the photo of the day for Nov. 7, 2012 on the National Geographic website (see image below). It was also selected in the daily dozen a month earlier: Nat...

My Photo Was Selected for Photography Week Magazine

Hey folks! Just a quick updated. My photo of the fighting zebras was selected to be shown in the featured photographs section of Photography Week magazine. Photography Week is an electronic-only magazine that just launched in the Apple store. Here are the posts: Update: My fighting zebra photo has gotten more exposure - see more here.